i will fight for you, young slave
the beatings, the torture
you should not bear
i will fight for you, elegant woman
your beauty mistaken as a sex toy
dignity to reclaim
i will fight for you, fatherless
a mother, a whore
remember you are worthy
i will fight for you, runaway
your troubles will find you
just stay and share with me
i will fight for you, homosexual
the shame put on you, trying to find a home
remember you’re not an unequal
i will fight for you, untouchable
a handshake, a hug
a gentle touch to reclaim love
i will fight for you, foreigner
you’re worth more than a dollar-a-day wage
take pride in your skin color
i will fight for you
i will fight with you
as a fellow outcast, an outsider
i will not leave
your story won’t be unheard
your face won’t be erased
it is not your fault
the cup you have been given
is harder to swallow than most
still, i will fight for you
remember, your life is not forsaken